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Showing posts from October, 2018

Formative Assessment Using Technology Part II *Updated*

Quizizz Last week, I created a formative assessment using Formative . The topic was plant cells for fifth grade. I made it somewhat like a Hyperdoc, by including a video for students to watch, and a link for them to go to. I then asked them to draw the cell on the whiteboard embedded in the quiz. This week, I created a new plant cell assessment using Quizizz . I wanted this assessment to be more like a quiz. After reading Elisabeth's blog post , I chose Quizizz because the interface seemed much more user-friendly and fun for students. Formative gives the students all of the questions at once, which did work well for making a Hyperdoc, but not so great for a quiz. I referred to this page for help in getting started, but it was very easy to create a new quiz. If you would like to try my quiz, go here and use the code 452006.  *Update: I thought I tested this when I did my original blog post, but Robin commented that it didn't work, and sure enough it didn't. Then be

Formative Assessment Using Technology

Formative assessment is an important part of instruction. It gives the teacher data on how well the students are understanding the lesson. This data can then be used by the teacher to alter instruction, and it can be used by the student to work toward mastery. There is so much technology available to teachers to make assessment easier! I decided to give Formative a try. This is a website that can be used to create many different types of assessments, and can be used with Google Classroom  and Clever . You can choose from a library of already-made assessments, or you can create your own. When creating an assessment, you can add content like videos and images. With the premium, paid subscription there are more options. There are 17 different types of assessment you can create, including reflection, lab, pre-assessment and exit-ticket. There are 11 different types of questions that can be added into the assessment. What I Made I made two different assessments. The first was a spe

Technology Enhanced Formative Assessment

Assessment for Learning Formative assessment is assessment for learning. Assessments are used to inform both the teacher and the students. The teacher is continuously using assessment to gather data on how students are understanding instruction and at what level. The teacher then plans further instruction based on the students’ needs. This can include whole group lessons, mini-lessons for a smaller group of students, or one-on-one consultation, and should be presented in a different way than it was previously presented. In this way, it is a learning process for the teacher because he/she learns about the students and the effectiveness of instruction.  Formative assessment should also be used to help students learn about themselves. This assessment informs students about where they are at, where they want to go, and what they need to do to get there. It gives them the opportunity to reflect on their learning, understand their mistakes, and make corrections. Ideally, teachers are n